BabyFruit Ticker

Friday, January 28, 2011

Week 36!

Hello family and friends!

I am so sorry for not keeping you all up to date and that the last time we spoke was 16 weeks ago!!! Everything here is great! I feel good and baby is growing well; I'm just hoping that the labor & birth process goes as smoothly as my pregnancy has been going!
Lots of updates!
Today I am 36 weeks! Hard to believe I know, only 4 more weeks until we get to meet baby teRelly!
Baby stats for week 36 are (from the
Baby's now the size of a honeydew!
Baby's skin is getting smooth and soft, her gums are rigid, her liver and kidneys are in working order, and her circulation and immune system are basically good to go. Her lungs are the only organs that still need to fully mature, but every day she gets a little closer to breathing on her own.
The also reports that the baby should descend into my pelvis soon (which I am looking forward to) and will give my lungs a bit more room making breathing much easier. Just walking up a flight of stairs makes me winded, I don't like that so much. Next, we are now at the point where if I do go into labor, I can deliver at Canton-Potsdam Hospital (CPH). CPH does not have a NICU so if you go before 36 weeks, they ship you off to Syracuse.
Rob has been terrific! We have been attending childbirth classes (a 6 week course, 2 more weeks to go) and he has been a good sport about the whole thing. They really haven't told us too much more than we already knew and since he is a farmer and knows EVERYTHING about delivering baby cows, he assumes delivering a human baby would be the same. He is rather disappointed that no chains will be involved if the baby needs assistance coming in to the world. Last week at childbirth class was probably the most exciting because we went to "the Birthplace" (CPH's maternity ward) and got to take a tour. It was really, really hot! But individual rooms do have their own temp control, thank goodness! It's pretty cool, you can deliver and recover all in the same room (unless you have a C-section) and the baby can be in your room the entire time as long as nothing is wrong after delivery.
I am also at the point where I am going to the doctor's every week and next Thursday I will be going to another ultra sound to get a better idea of the size of the baby. We also know what we are having but I'm going to ask the ultra sound tech to make sure-just in case; I've heard too many stories ;-) Plus, on Thursday evening I am going to my pre-registration appointment!
Good news, the crib is put together! It is in our bedroom and quite large I might add. When we were deciding where to put the crib, Rob said we will want the baby in our room for the first year, so we might as well just put the crib in our room now (I thought it was funny that he thinks the baby should be with us for the first year. And basically to move the crib from room to room, we will need to take it a part).
This weekend I will be spending time organizing all of the baby stuff we have gotten thus far (plus hopefully getting Rob to move some furniture and putting the changing table together). I was thrown 2 great baby showers and have gotten so much for the baby, it's unbelievable what they will need. It's all in the baby's room but not in any sort of order, except for the clothes! I have been organizing the outfits according to size. Plus, I have been buying things as well (thank you Janie & Jack for having such a great sale and adding new items all the time). I have great family and friends and everything that they have done is so appreciated!
I think that's it for this week! Hopefully next week I will have a picture of the baby from the ultra sound! I hope everyone is doing well!
Lots of love!

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