BabyFruit Ticker

Friday, August 20, 2010

Welcome weeks 12 & 13!

Greetings Family & Friends!

So again I'm behind but have a good reason! I wanted to wait until I went to my doctor's appointment, in case there was anything exciting to report...this was easier said than done. My doctor's appointment was scheduled for August 13th and was canceled because my doctor was delivering a baby. Then it was rescheduled for Monday August 16th. So I show up at 10 minutes to 4 and she was leaving because another baby was ready to grace us with his/her presence. So, I was hoping that the third time would be the charm and it was; I did in fact have my doctor's appointment on Friday August 20th.

It was an exciting appointment! I got to hear the baby's heart beat which was a strong 150. It was also exciting because my doctor, Dr. Dicoby, didn't have to search for the heartbeat, when she put the listening device on my stomach, we could hear it right away. It was pretty cool and makes it feel more "real".

At week 12 baby teRelly was the size of a plum and baby stats from reported:
As you move into the second trimester, baby shifts into the growth and maturation stage. After weeks in the critical development stage, almost all of her systems are fully formed.

This week, at week 13, the baby is the size of a peach, which I think is fitting because I just recently canned peaches and made peach salsa.

Week 13 baby stats:
Your fetus is forming teeth and vocal cords...savor this, their nonfunctional phase. Baby is approaching normal proportions, with his head now only one third the size of his body. And intestines are in the process of moving from the umbilical cord to baby's tummy -- much more convenient.

from Pregnancy & Childbirth:

There are a lot of things going on this week! All twenty teeth have formed and are waiting (Teething is yet to come!). Your baby approximately weighs in at 1 ounce (28.3 grams). Consider that the placenta weighs about an ounce now as well.

Your baby's intestines are migrating from the umbilical cord into his or her abdomen. The villi are also forming in the intestines, these help in peristaltic movements and digestion. The pancreas of your little one is even secreting insulin! Meconium, the baby's first stool, is developing.

If you would like to know more about Meconium, you can click on the word (above) and it will take you to a wonderful explanation.

All in all I'm feeling pretty good. I'm still a little tired but that could be a combination of work (it's crazy here) and then having to go home and "store for winter" (I've been doing A LOT of canning). Our garden is in overproduction mode. For example, Rob planted 48 tomato plants and 47 have produced tomatoes, I don't think I like tomatoes anymore ;-)

Until next time! I hope you are all doing well!

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